Saturday, 17 November 2012

Blogger or WordPress which one is the Best?

Posted By: Kak Niazi - Saturday, November 17, 2012


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As in stating of blogging career we should really need to know which platform is best for us or which one we are comfortable with. As most of new bloggers don't know about scripting and coding stuff so they start their career by main blog platforms.
Today i are going to discus about to main Blog platforms which are getting more popular day by day WordPress and Blogger.

Blogger/ Blog-spot:


As blogger is owned by Google so we can get many facilities like Analytic, Webmaster tools and feed burner  very easily. As we all know blogger is free to use with very fast.
One of the best things in blogger is that if you're going to upgrade your blog to top level domain than you don't need to have any web hosting service because your blog is already hosted by Google, so this means that you don't have to worry about downtime or other problems.


Blogger is a free service so this means that if your blog got deleted you cannot do anything. You cannot import blogs from any other platforms, and there are very less quality themes available and very difficult to manage them.



WordPress is a free software which connects your blog to your hosting and you can directly manage your blog through it. There are thousands of premium themes and plugins which are way more professional and easy to use.
In my review best thing in WordPress is that you can select your own theme and customize it very easily, and it look a lot better than any other.


Biggest issue in WordPress is that you have to buy your own hosting and if you're running a website with high traffic then you'll face downtime problem unless you can pay good for hosting. You can also make free WordPress blog but it's not good as we want it to be. If you're running you'r own hosting then in mean time you'll find many other problems

About Kak Niazi

Techism is an online Publication that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around in the world which you may find hard to believe and understand. The Main Purpose of this site is to bring reality with a taste of entertainment


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